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Monday, October 6, 2008

Eastbound and down, (American Journey)

I got the Harley serviced in Van Nuys, CA. A different looking dealership then most of the ones I've seen. Then I left the LA area and headed east (actually north-east). I crossed the Mojave desert where it was approaching 100 degrees. It actually rained on the way. Then I crossed into Nevada and spent the night in Vegas. Let's recap, by sheer coincidence I stayed in the 3 main gambling cities in the U.S.A. Atlantic City, Reno and Vegas. Good thing I stayed away from the tables! I also crossed the 5,000 mile mark.

New York New York reminded me of home sweet home.

When I got out of my room I found the bike with a plastic tarp taped to it. Apparently they started painting the hotel in the morning. At least the guy was consciences enough to cover it.

I left Vegas and crossed into Arizona and then into Utah where I stopped at Zion National Park.

I got to a town called Salina. There is a gas station, Mexican restaurant and a couple motel. The next town was 110 miles away. So I decided to stop there for the night.


Unknown said...

Hey you, good shots of Vegas.. Hope you played some craps:). I like the shirts and of course I will be ordering one. See ya kiddo.

AJPnet said...

Hi Frank:
Great night pics of Vegas! Lots of construction going on there - glad your bike was protected. Beautiful shots at the national park - is that a red clay road your were driving on?
Looks like you had a nice visit with your old friend Mike and his family in L.A., too.
Be safe on the roads as you head back.

AJPnet said...

Oh - and the Ronald Regan Museum was awesome! A fitting tribute to a great man. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us, Frank.
Take care.

The Ride said...

Thanks and good job Mel-Mel!I like them to, if I do say so myself.

The Ride said...

Thanks Anthony! Yes the Reagan Museum was awesome! A great place to visit. Go if you can sometime. Vegas is more built every 6 months. The project they have now is changing the whole skyline. Not sure if I like it though.

The Ride said...

The road sure was red. Not sure if it was clay or what. There was alot of red stones on the edge of the road that they put down.

Mike Milo said...

Yo Frankie!
Yeah Zion is pretty amazing isn't it? I also love the red roads! Waste not/want not!

The Ride said...

Yeah Mike it is! The ride from there to Denver was off the charts as well! Check it out tomorrow.